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SuperUser lugeja Naughty.Coder tahab teada:
Packets travel through internetworks, and take many routes through internet routers. On each route that forwards traffic to another until reaching the ultimate destination, what stops them from viewing the packets they receive/forward?
Nüüd, me ei ütle, et see on korrelatsioon tema kasutajanime ja tema uudishimu vahel inimesi, kes oma pakette nuusutavad, kuid see on kindlasti meie lemmik SuperUser kasutajanimi / küsimuste kombinatsioon tänaseni.
SuperUser Kwaio pakub ülevaadet:
Short answer: you can’t prevent them from sniffing your traffic, but you can make it meaningless for them by using encryption.
Either use encrypted protocols (HTTPS, SSH, SMTP/TLS, POP/TLS, etc.) or use encrypted tunnels to encapsulate your unencrypted protocols.
For example, if you use HTTPS instead of HTTP, the content of the webpages you fetch will not be readable from those routers.
But remember that they can still save the encrypted packets and try to decrypt them. Decryption is never about “can or can’t”, it’s about “How much time does it take”. So use ciphers and key lengths suitable for the degree of privacy you need, and the “expiration time” of the data you want to “hide”. (meaning if you don’t care if someone gets it a week after the transmission, use a strong protocol. If it’s an hour, you can lower the key length)
Kui see küsimuste ja vastuste paar on teie teabevahetuse kaitset puudutava uudishimu piqued, soovitame veidi sissejuhatavat lugemist: VPN vs. SSH tunnel: mis on turvalisem? ja miks enamik veebiteenuseid ei kasuta end-to-end krüpteerimist.
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