Miks täpselt kas peate USB-meediumi turvaliselt välja saama?


Miks täpselt kas peate USB-meediumi turvaliselt välja saama?
Miks täpselt kas peate USB-meediumi turvaliselt välja saama?

Video: Miks täpselt kas peate USB-meediumi turvaliselt välja saama?

Video: Miks täpselt kas peate USB-meediumi turvaliselt välja saama?
Video: Wie man eine E Mail in Outlook zurückruft - YouTube 2024, Mai
Windows saab nii hulluks, kui sa ei lase USB-meediumit turvaliselt välja saata, kuid see on tõesti oluline? Mis on halvim, mis võiks juhtuda, kui te ei blokeeriks kunagi oma USB-draivi ja muud välklampi?
Windows saab nii hulluks, kui sa ei lase USB-meediumit turvaliselt välja saata, kuid see on tõesti oluline? Mis on halvim, mis võiks juhtuda, kui te ei blokeeriks kunagi oma USB-draivi ja muud välklampi?

Täna, see küsimuste ja vastuste seanss tuleb meile viisakalt Super-kasutaja, Stowe Exchange'i alamrubriigist, Q & A veebisaitide kogukonnapõhiseks rühmituseks.


SuperUseri lugeja Simon on tõeliselt uudishimulik, milline saatus võib temale juhtuda, kui ta kunagi oma meediast järk-järgult välja ei paneks:

Quite often when I’m in a rush, I automatically pull out a USB pendrive or USB cable from an external hard drive from my desktop PC or laptop, without right-clicking on the safely remove icon in the system tray and unplugging via this route. So far nothing untoward has happened every time I have “been in a rush”.

What is the rationale behind right clicking on the safely remove icon and can I really lose information on USB media if this is not carried out ?

Is the [probability] of losing such information greatly increased, if the USB media is still flashing at the time of pulling it out of the computer (as opposed to non-flashing) ?

Kui palju õnnemäng on Simon?


SuperUseri toetaja Dave Rook selgitab:

Yes it can, it’s about what happens if you remove the device when it’s in use (reading or writing):

When you plug in a USB drive, you give your PC free rein to write and read data from it; some of which is cached.

Caching occurs by not writing information immediately to the USB device, and instead keeping it in your PC’s memory (RAM). If you were to yank the USB drive out of your PC before this information is written, or while its being written, you’ll end up with a corrupted file.

However, Windows automatically disables caching on USB devices, unless you specifically say that you want it enabled. For the most part you don’t have to click the ‘Safely Remove Hardware’ button, if you aren’t writing or reading anything from the device.

Its there simply as an extra level of security preventing you from destroying your own files.

Doing so causes the files to close “gracefully”, preserving data, pointers and file size indicators. When writing to disk the computer doesn’t always “flush” a buffer and only part of the data may have been written. Using the proper procedure will assure that the data and pointers are in good shape.


MSalters pakub läbipaistvat ülevaadet:

A second reason is that flash drives need to have stable power for ~0.25 seconds after a write command. This is a fundamental physical problem, due random factors some writes may leave a logical 1 bit in a electrical 0.72 state. The fix is easy: just rewrite the bit, perhaps even a few times. Eventually it will stick.

If you’re really unlucky, the bit falling over will be in a filesystem table and corrupt e.g. an entire directory.

Teisisõnu, see ei ole väärtust hasartmängudele, millega bitti võib rikkuda või mitte olla: see võib olla ajutine fail kaasaskantavas rakenduses vahemällu või see võib olla, nagu MSalters osutab, kriitiline süsteemifail.

Lisateavet ohutu meediumi väljaheitmise kohta leiate siit: HTG selgitab, kas peate USB-mälupulgad turvaliselt eemaldama?

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