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SuperUser-lugeja AlikElzin-kilaka soovib teada, kuidas leida arvuti IP-aadressi, kasutades käsurida:
How do I find a computer’s internet (IP address) location using the command line? Would I use curl or wget, for example?
Kuidas leida käsurealt arvuti IP-aadressi asukohta?
SuperUseri kaasautorid AlikElzin-kilaka ja Ben N on meie jaoks vastus. Esiteks üles, AlikElzin-kilaka:
There is a service (IPInfo) that can provide the results. You can invoke it using curl, for example:
curl ipinfo.io
curl ipinfo.io/
Source: How to look up the geographic location of an IP address from the command line
Järgneb Ben N vastus:
Since the question does not specify an operating system, this is how to get that same information with PowerShell’s curl (actually an alias of Invoke-WebRequest):
(curl ipinfo.io).Content
Which produces a JSON string. To get the object that the JSON represents, use ConvertFrom-Json:
curl ipinfo.io | ConvertFrom-Json
Since that is a PowerShell object, you can easily get specific fields from it. For example, this command gets just the external IP address as a string:
(curl ipinfo.io | ConvertFrom-Json).ip
Note that the geographical information from this service is not super accurate, but it did locate me within 20 miles or so of my actual location and the ISP information seems to be reliable.
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