Täna, see küsimuste ja vastuste seanss tuleb meile viisakalt Super-kasutaja, Stowe Exchange'i alamrubriigist, Q & A veebisaitide kogukonnapõhiseks rühmituseks.
Photo courtesy of John Fowler (Flickr).
SuperUser lugeja lihtsaltgamer tahab teada, mida need erilised kausta nimed ja kuidas nad töötavad:
If I create a folder on my Windows 10 system called whatever.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}, it opens a folder with every Control Panel command in it.
If I enter shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} in the Windows Explorer address bar, then I have access to the same place. What exactly is this? Are there any other shortcuts like this?
I have also found out that {4234d49b-0245-4df3-B780-3893943456e1} opens an Applications folder.
Note: It is not my intention to create a custom Control Panel, I just want more information about these types of shell links.
Mis on need spetsiaalsed kaustade nimed ja kuidas need toimivad?
SuperUseri kaasautor Steven on meie jaoks vastus:
As of Windows Vista, Control Panel items included with Windows are given a canonical name that can be used in an API call or as a command-line instruction to programmatically launch that item.
This page, Canonical Names of Control Panel Items, contains a list of Control Panel canonical names, such as:
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