Täna, see küsimuste ja vastuste seanss tuleb meile viisakalt Super-kasutaja, Stowe Exchange'i alamrubriigist, Q & A veebisaitide kogukonnapõhiseks rühmituseks.
SuperUseri lugeja Sam Hoice'l on mõned PSU probleemid:
My computer powered off the other day on its own, and now when I push the power button, nothing happens. My assumption would naturally be that the power supply is done (possibly well done) but is there any good way to test this before I buy a new one?
Kuidas saab Sam test teha, kahjustamata oma praegust arvutit või muud riistvara?
SuperUseri toetaja Grant kirjutab:
Unplug the power supply from any of the components inside the computer (or just remove it from the computer completely).
- Plug the power supply into the wall.
- Find the big 24-ish pin connector that connects to the motherboard.
- Connect the GREEN wire with the adjacent BLACK wire.
- The power supply’s fan should start up. If it doesn’t then it’s dead.
- If the fan starts up, then it could be the motherboard that’s dead. You can use a multimeter to check if there is power output from the power supply.
Adrien pakub lahendust lugejatele, kes ei pruugi olla võimelised takistama juhtmeid oma toiteploki MOBO pistikupesaga:
Most well-stocked geek-stores sell a “power-supply tester” that has all the appropriate connectors to plug each part of your PSU into, with spiffy LEDs indicating status of the various rails, connectors for IDE/SATA/floppy power cables, etc. They run ~$20 US.
Pisut hoolikalt läbi vaadates saate isegi kõrgelt hinnatud PSU testerit hinnaga 6 $.
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