Pane oma enda DIY negatiivne paljundusaparaat välja
I saw your article about building a slide scanner from a camera. I built something similar a few years ago and it works great for both slides and negatives. The tutorial I followed is still online. Happy archiving!
Täname Trendi jagamise eest; teie jagatud ehitaja on kindlasti paindlik ja võime kasutada ereda valgusallika asemel kaamera välklampi (neile, kellel puudub kaamera välk), on mugav.
Loo GIF-id Androidiga
Loved the animated GIF Photoshop article, but for those of us who are lazy or can’t afford Photoshop (or both!) there’s a cool Android app called GifStich. It’s got a ton of useful features for a free app, if I do say so. I’ve only used to for some goofy DIY type animations, but so far it hasn’t let me down. Also, as a bonus, did you know GIF is actually pronounced JIF like the peanut butter company?
GIFi õige hääldamise avastamine jõudis liiga kaua pärast seda, kui me kasutasime vormingut, peame tunnistama.
Push RSS oma Kindle KindleFeederiga
First, thanks for all the Kindle/ebook articles! Lots of tech sites seem to ignore ebook readers because they’re so simple but you can do so much with them. Second, I’ve gotten some miles out a handy tool, KindleFeeder. It packages up your RSS feeds pretty nicely and makes it easy to read them on your Kindle.
Oleme nõus, saate teha palju e-raamatute lugejatega ja oleme rõõmsad, et olete oma artiklitest nautisid! KindleFeeder näeb välja nagu poleeritud tööriist, mille abil saab oma kanaleid minna käia. Tore leida!
Kas teil on suurepärane tehniline otstarve jagada? Võta meile e-kiri aadressil [email protected]!