Täna, see küsimuste ja vastuste seanss tuleb meile viisakalt Super-kasutaja, Stowe Exchange'i alamrubriigist, Q & A veebisaitide kogukonnapõhiseks rühmituseks.
SuperUseri lugeja Fsaladin tahab teada saada, miks brauser automaatselt nõustub tundmatute kolmanda osapoole veebisaitidega ilma loata:
When I visit a website, everything connects as it should, however, I notice that my browser also contacts unknown third-party websites automatically. In Mozilla Firefox, an extension called Lightbeam shows the third-party websites that my browser contacted without my permission. I visited 15 websites and my browser automatically contacted nearly 50 other third-party websites.
What is the reason behind this? Can anybody explain?
Mis siin toimub? Miks on Fsaladiini brauser automaatselt nii palju tundmatutele veebisaitidele ilma loata ühendust?
SuperUseri kaasautor Oxymoronil on meile vastus:
There are many different reasons.
1. Almost all the ads you see come from third-parties.
2. The developers of the website may use third-party libraries to achieve their goals, such as jQuery and others.
3. The website may depend on data from another website, such as an API.
The complete list is extensive, however these three are the main reasons. Most are harmless and nothing to worry about, however, one should always educate themselves about the dangers just in case.
Kuigi enamik meist on internetis sirvimise ajal keskendunud ainult tööle või mängimisele, toimub see üsna natuke rohkem kui stseene, mida me võime olla teadlikud või mõelda aega.
Kas teil on seletamiseks midagi lisada? Helistage kommentaarides. Kas soovite lugeda rohkem vastuseid teistelt tech-savvy Stack Exchange'i kasutajatelt? Tutvu täieliku arutelu teemaga siit.