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SuperUseri lugeja KCArpe soovib teada, kuidas ta saab näha, milline Chrome'i vahekaart kasutab süsteemi ressursse:
How do I identify which process belongs to which tab in Google Chrome?
Normally, I have a (ridiculously) large number of tabs open. If I need to free memory on my box, I would like to choose based on tab/process memory footprint.
Kuna ülesannete haldur otsib lihtsalt kümneid ühesuguseid chrome.exe sissekandeid, kuidas seda teha?
In chrome://memory-redirect/, you can see all open processes (tabs, plugins, extensions, etc.), including their private memory usage and their PID.
Using the PID, you can kill the corresponding process from a Command Prompt / Terminal:
Windows: taskkill /PID
Linux: kill
Chrome has it’s own in-built task manager which makes it easy to identify which process belongs to which tab(s). You can access it by the hotkey Shift+Esc or by right clicking on the title bar and selecting “Task Manager”.
Chrome also has a more detailed memory page which can be accessed by opening a new tab and entering chrome://memory-redirect/ into the omnibox. It can also be accessed via the “Stats for nerds” link in the Task Manager.
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