Paljud lugejad olid tänulikud Interneti kui kogu tehnoloogilise arengu eest. Lee kirjutab:
I’d probably have to say the Internet in general, because that has essentially inspired most most of the features in modern technology. Plus, I wouldn’t know nearly as much about tech now if I didn’t have access to the Internet.
Jim on eriti tänulik Interneti eest:
The Internet. The information I’ve found and people I’ve met, (including my wife), have been life changing.
Mitmed lugejad viisid selle tagasi elektroonilise elu alustaladele. Suhail kirjutab:
Integrated Electronics! This is what drives & will drive each & everything in our world..:-)
Guy Dols kajastab meeleolu:
The NAND gate, without the NAND gate there would be no logical processing so no computers, no internet, no phones only lights bulbs and Morse communication.
Kuigi Internet / World Wide Web ja mikrokiibi leiutis paigutas kõrgelt, andsid paljud lugejad tänulikult kõige kaasaegsemaid mugavusi. TheFu kirjutab:
Water purification, by far. A distant 2nd is a hot water heater attached to the shower head.
All other tech falls very far below those two in my book. If you don’t believe me, turn off your water heater for a week and stop assuming water from the tap is clean enough to drink.
Selge ja kergesti hajutatud vesi on kindlasti midagi, mida me peame esimeste maailma riikide jaoks enesestmõistetavaks. Kui olete huvitatud sellest, et arengumaade inimesed saaksid juurde puhtaid ja ohutuid veevarusid, siis palume teil kontrollida Charity Water'i ("A", mille asukoht on, et aidata kaasa kaevude ja veepuhastussüsteemide toomisele vajadus.