Johann valib kõige otsesemalt meetodi:
Best way is also the least geeky and therefore ignored by techies – stick a big label on the thing with some contact details.
By all means encrypt etc but this isn’t making it easier to return, just securing your data, and these are two very different things.
If someone who ‘finds’ your kit is the kind of guy to give it back then a label is the easiest way to give the info to them, forget about disk labels, autoruns etc. and just keep it simple.
Selle jaoks on palju öelda. Kui keegi midagi leiab ja nad kalduvad seda tagasi saatma, on otsepositsioon neile kindlasti lihtsam kui öelda, ühendades seadme sisse ja nähes, et ketta märgis on teie telefoninumber.
Hr Blue laadib oma seadme kontaktandmed:
I keep a text document on my flash drives with my contact details in the event an honest person finds it.
As for my other tech like may others I use tracking software, but I also use the good old UV pen and etch my Name/Postcode into the device that way if someone finds it less appealing to keep with my name on it.
Me ei saa teile öelda, mitu kaasaskantavat kettad on meil aastate jooksul omanikele tagasi pöördunud, sest paljudel inimestel on oma jätkud ja muud identifitseerimisdokumendid, mille nad on võtnud trükikojale jms.
Teised lugejad kasutavad suurte piletikohtade jälgimise tarkvara, nagu Bryan:
PreyProject for my laptop. I haven’t tested if it works though.
As for my flash drive, I usually give up hope and encrypt my files instead.
Kuigi me märgendame mälupulgad, et ausad inimesed saaksid neid tagasi saata, kui neid asendada, on krüptimine ja halvimad eeldused kindlasti head tavad.