Kui soovite ühendada oma armastuse elektroonikaprojektidega, millel on natuke traadita laadimismaagia, on see DIY juhend teie jaoks.
Instruktuaalsete kasutajatega kaasnev kasutaja Inducktion jagab väga üksikasjalikku õpetust selle kohta, kuidas luua traadita vooluadapterit. Ta selgitab projekti algust:
I’ve searched around on this website, and noticed that almost all of the instructables on here with wireless power seem to lack a proper explanation about how to build one; Or, when they did build one, they used an inefficient method of doing so…
This transmitter works fantastic, and can run on pretty much any voltage above 12 volts, and below 24! It’s also extremely efficient (little power lost) and, it generates almost no interference. (one wireless power instructable used a square wave in the primary; Square waves have a lot of harmonics, and can cause havoc on computer systems, radios, and other sensitive electronics)
I’ve come to solve all of these problems!
Selleks, mida projektil miniaturiseerimisel ei piisa, on see rohkem kui põhjalikumaks. Lööge allpool olev link, et kontrollida projekti välja.
Traadita iPodi laadija [kaudu Mark]