Partiilaiendid pakuvad ühe klõpsu reboot peatamist
One of the most annoying “features” of Windows Update (and others) comes when you have seven busy windows open and they keep popping up the reminder that you have to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. That means saving everything, closing everything, and waiting for a reboot. Then just try to remember where you were before you were rudely interrupted.
This appeared originally on HTG, but here is the ultimately convenient form. Create a new batch file with the following contents:
net stop “automatic updates”
and save it with an easy to remember name: GOAWAY.bat. One click and it shuts down the update service. Don’t worry: it WILL come back next time you boot up, hopefully at a more convenient time before you get 11 windows open.
Just drag and drop a shortcut on your desktop. I changed to the “NOT” icon (red circle with a slash, to make it easy to find. An unhappy face would also work.)
Täname Dave'i jagamise eest! Laiemate monitoride (ja tegumiribal olevate ruumide jaoks) lugejate jaoks võib see otse tegumiribale otstarbekas olla, kui sundvõimelised taaskäivitused tõesti häirivad neid.
Google Chrome'i ühtsusmenüüde lubamine
While sifting through the features in Google Chrome’s about:flags, I found a setting to enable the Unity menus for it. Enter about:flags into the Chrome address bar, scroll down until you see an item called “Experimental GNOME menu bar support. “, and turn it on. Restart Chrome and you’ll notice the change immediately.
Kogu Chrome'i umbes: lipud / umbes: konfiguratsioonimenüüdest leiate nii palju asju. Hea leida Caleb!
Tabeldustaga PuTTY kasutamine
I use PuTTY a lot and can’t imagine using it without PuTTYTabManager. Essentially it’s just a GUI wrapper for PuTTY that allows you to open and manage multiple instances of PuTTY… perfect for those times you need to SSH into one box, telnet into another, etc. It’s a real time saver for PuTTY power users!
Tänan tipp Mark! Lugejad, kes on huvitatud vahekaardiga PuTTY-st peaksid kontrollima Marki soovitust ja ka klienti, mille me varem läbi vaadasime, Putty Connection Manager.
Kas jagada on näpunäide? Saada see meile aadressil [email protected] ja võite lihtsalt näha seda esilehel.