Kõige populaarsemateks tehnikateks oli otsin restorane ja kohvikuid, kus pakutakse tasuta WiFi-teenust. Viis aastat tagasi oleks mõte, et kõik teised lennujaamas asuvad või hõivatud tänava alla pakuvad tasuta traadita internetti, oleks unistus. Enamik lugejaid oli väikseid probleeme, pakkides sellistest ettevõtetest tasuta WiFi-d. David kirjutab:
In addition to the aforementioned McDonalds, I would add Dennys, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Panera Bread, and of course lobbies of Hotels w/ free Wi-Fi.
Hisa jagas mõnda pisikesi näpunäiteid, mida paljud inimesed ei pruugi teada:
I have a Sprint phone, and when all else fails, I just call to activate the hotspot, use it for as long as necessary, and then call to deactivate it. Sprint is great in that respect because I only pay for the meager amount I use, not the whole $29.99 package.
When free Wi-Fi is near, I snag it. My favorite hot spots are cafes, book stores, hotel lobbies, and fast food joints where I seem to end up anyway when I travel! Also, the convention centers I attend usually have a Wi-Fi option, and it is usually free. I don’t bother “looking” for Wi-Fi, I just let my iPad or my droid phone search for it, and when they find it, I enjoy it ^^
Meil ei olnud aimugi, et Sprint lubas teil aktiveerida leviala funktsionaalsuse vajaduse korral. Nad kindlasti ei avalda seda. Võib-olla võivad teised lugejad koos oma vedajate kohta teavet teha?
Geoff pakub kahte trikki nii erinevat eetilist kui ka õiguslikku suhet:
A lot paid wireless systems right don’t check for mac address spoofing. These solutions are moderately evil and you should proceed with caution.
In Europe last summer I ran into a few interesting situations. 1. The airport I was at offered 15 minutes of internet for free. So if I changed my mac address every 15 minutes I could continue to use the internet as long as I needed. 2. Sometimes if your mac address just happens to be the same as someone who is legitimately connected to the network or you wait until they have left the network. The router will think that you are the person who paid for it. There is some pretty simple software you can get to scan a network then change your mac address to that of someone on the network allowing you to connect for free.
Kuigi esimene on suhteliselt nutikas, läheksime teisest välja lihtsalt sellepärast, et see võib põhjustada seaduslikule kliendile tekkivad võimalikud probleemid (kui olete põhjustanud tegelikule kliendi kontole ülemäärase kasutamise märguks / Dual loginsid, sest teie MAC-i rämpspostid on shenanigans).
Veel teed ühendamiseks tee täieliku kommenteerimislingi siia.